This page contains training resources created by state compact offices.
ICJ Forms Guide - For states whose field staff are not entering data into UNITY
ICJ Forms Training Outline - Corresponding PowerPoint available upon request.
ICJ Return Worksheet - For tracking returns during transition period. Available in Word format upon request.
Master Task List v ICJO Master Task List - Learn the difference between the two task lists
New Field Users Handout - A guide for ICJOs to provide training to new field users.
Travel Case Scenario - Step-by-step instructions with images
Travel Form VII Overview - Visual detailing what UNITY data fields populate the Form VII Travel Permit
UNITY Case Entry Checklist - For Parole and Probation Travel, TOS, and Return Cases
UNITY Case Entry Checklist - For Parole Only Travel, TOS, and Return Cases
UNITY Case Entry Checklist - For Probation Only Travel, TOS, and Return Cases
UNITY Events Overview - For Travel, TOS, and Return Cases
UNITY In-State Training Outline - For JPO/JPS audience, Model 1 State
UNITY Supplemental Data - Data needed for Cases that is not currently on an ICJ Form. Available in Word format with drop-down menus upon request.
Thank you to the states who provided training resources. If your state would like to submit a training resource, please email the National Office.