- Date: 5-5-23
Objective: Keeping your state UNITY User profiles updated and accurate helps your operational management of UNITY cases. This article contains everything to help you keep stay on track. PLUS information on "Zones" and Zone management basics.
- How To Deactivate Users: Video & Steps: Deactivate Users that are no longer active in UNITY or no longer part of your state organization.
- Tableau Report: Key columns to review to help assist in your UNITY user management.
- Download to Excel: Video: How to download the Tableau Report to excel and prep it to send to field supervisors for corrections and updates.
- Zone Setup Review: Video: Basics on Zone setup and the relationship to User Profiles
Schedule a 1:1 Meeting for Support: Need help ? Email to setup a 1:1 zoom session to help you with UNITY User Management or Zone Setup. Or click here to: Send an email
- Model 2 & Model 3 states can leverage the benefit of Zones and User Profiles and leverage Tableau reporting without having to have the field officers using UNITY.
- Best Practices: Tips to stay on top of your UNITY user management.
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Please Note:
1st, Reassign Open User Cases Tacks:
- Open "ICJO Master Task List" and Filter "Tasks = My state's case - task pending in my state" & "Case Type = All"
- In the Search Results, scroll down the page reviewing the "Assigned To" Column to find the Users' Cases that need to be reassigned before you deactivate the user.
- Right Click on the "Case Hyperlink" and open the case where the user has assigned tasks and Reassign the Case Tasks to another appropriate user in that Zone. Repeat for all cases in this search "Tasks = My state's case - task pending in my state"
- Repeat this process using the new search criteria; "ICJO Master Task List" and Filter "Tasks = Other state's case - task pending in my state" & "Case Type = All"
2nd, Edit the User Profile
- Go to Administration > Users in the left panel navigation
- Use the User Search Criteria for your User and click Search
- In the User Search Results, Right Click on the "
" and "Open Link In new Tab"
- In the User Profile un-toggle the "Email Notification" and then click "Save"
- You can also "Lock" the account if the user will not likely ever be back in UNITY
- Go back to the User Search Results page and "Deactivate" the user by clicking on "Red Trash Can
" and then selecting "OK"
3rd, Notify Impacted Field Officers
- Remember to notify the appropriate JPS or JPO Field Officer of the reassignment
1st, Reassign Open User Cases Tacks:
Download & Prep the Tableau "UNITY User Access Report" in Excel for Review
Tableau Report: Key Columns to "Sort on" and "Filter on" for Quick Review
- Important: Engage your field supervisors to help you in the cleanup and data check process. Use the Zone, Users Role, and Status Columns to Sort or Filter the excel into appropriate groups before you start.
Last Login Date: Sort "Last Login Date:
- To asses all accounts that are > 90 days, check to ensure the users are still active and part of your organization. Especially if "Last Login Date" was > 120 days or over a year ago.
- Deactivate inactive users or users that are no longer with the organization.
- When given a "Sort Warning", select "Sort anything that looks like a number, as a number"
Account Locked: Filter on "Account Locked" = Yes
- Do these users need help in unlocking their account and are they still active in your organization ?
Email Notification: Filter on Email Notification = Off
- If you are a Model 1 state it is important for these to be "On" so that the Field Officers get appropriate case task notifications
Challenge Questions Setup: Challenge Questions Setup = No
- If you are a Model 1 state it is important for these to be "Yes" so that the Field Officers can reset their accounts when their accounts are locked.
Email Verified: Email Verified = No
- If you are a Model 1 state it is important for these to be "Yes" so that the Field Officers get appropriate case task notifications
Also For Review
- Are the Zones still accurate ?
- Are the Zone Supervisors still correct ?
- Have theere been any state email domain or telephone number changes ?
Zone Basics: Setup Review & Assign Users to Zones
- Download your Tableau report to excel quarterly and do a thorough review of your states UNITY users. Schedule the event and process steps in your Outlook Calendar.
- Email the filtered and sorted excel to your field supervisors and have them also review and update the information in the excel and highlight their changes.
- UNITY users who are not active in UNITY can be dynamically "Deactivated" and "Reactivated" allowing for better user management.
- For better UNITY "Email Notification" management, create an email inbox subfolder and create a rule where all UNITY notification emails automatically move into, so all your UNITY notifications are grouped in one folder. Help your field officers also use this management technique.
- Model 2 & Model 3 States, consider building out your Zones and Users in UNITY so you can leverage the benefit of Tableau reporting to enhance you operational management. The buildout does not have to require your state users be an active UNITY user.