For JPS/JPOs With UNITY Accounts

Assign a Home Evaluation in UNITY

Receiving State ICJOs can assign Home Evaluation tasks to JPS or JPO users with UNITY accounts. 

To do this, open the case and navigate to the Case Tasks section. Ensure the "Assigned To" and "Zone" boxes are checked. 

  1. Locate the Home Evaluation Information task.
  2.  Select the Zone to which the user is assigned. Click the Save icon.image_1.jpg
  3. Select the User to which the task is assigned. Click the Save icon.image_6.jpg
  4. Now the task appears on the JPS or JPO user's Master Task List.  Additionally the JPS or JPO receives an email notification if their profile "Email Notification" is toggled on.




Assign a Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) in UNITY

Receiving State ICJOs can assign QPR tasks to JPS or JPO users with UNITY accounts.

To do this, open the case and navigate to the Case Tasks section. Ensure the "Assigned To" and "Zone" boxes are checked. 

  1. Locate the Quarterly Progress Report task section.
  2. In the blue horizontal bar, select the Zone to which the user is assigned. Click the Save icon.image_4.jpg
  3. Select the User to which the task is assigned. Click the Save icon.
  4. Now the task appears on the JPS or JPO user's Master Task List.


NOTE: For each subsequent QPR, an ICJO user must manually reassign the task to a JPS/O. The system does not remember the user who was previously assigned the QPR tasks.


For JPS/JPOs Without UNITY Accounts

ICJOs can assign QPR or Home Evaluation tasks to JPS or JPOs without UNITY accounts. 

  1. Open the case and navigate to the Case Tasks section. 
  2. Locate the task and due date for the QPR or Home Evaluation.image_8.jpg
  3. Make a note in the Case Notes section regarding the date the ICJO requested the report.          Tip! It may be helpful to include a link to the ICJ Forms webpage so they can download and use a fillable PDF form. This ensures that the ICJO can copy and paste the information into the UNITY data fields.
  4. Send an email to the JPS or JPO user noting the requested report and due date.image_7.jpg 




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