- Date: 6-27-23
Objective: Review several new refinements to the "Return Workflow" process.
Training Database Release: Tuesday June 27, 2023
UNITY System Release: Tuesday July 11, 2023
- New "Human Trafficking" Dropdown Option: Unknown Image
- Pertinent Return Information Section Remains Editable Image
- New Return Case Closure Process Step : Video + Image
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New "Human Trafficking" Drop Down Option: Unknown
- When working through the Return Case and their is uncertainty to Human Trafficking, you can select "Unknown" and before formally closing the case you can update any of the "Pertinent Return Information" sections to reflect the final conditions of the Return Case.
Pertinent Return Information Section Remains Editable
- The "Pertinent Return Information" sections; Abuse Neglect Alleged & Human Trafficking, remain editable until the Return Case is formally closed. Best practice is to review and make any updates to these sections before formally closing the Return Case
New Return Case Closure Process Step
- Prior to the Home Demanding State formally closing the Return Case, two new data fields are required to be completed before formally closing the Return Case.
- Pickup From Holding State Date
- Returned To The Home Demanding State Date