- Date: 7-24-23
Objective: Review new refinements to the "Transfer of Supervision Workflow" process.
Training Database Release: Wednesday July 26, 2023
UNITY System Release: Tuesday August 8, 2023
- New Case File Selector Parameters : Image
- Court Case Data Fields; Image
- New Acknowledgement Task: Departure Information: Image
- Ability to Customize Existing Labels: Image + Video
- Optional Tasks Removed if no uploads are populated: Image
- Chronological Repositioning of Task Grid Sections: Image
- Failed Supervision Workflow: Video
- Collaborative: Travel Plan Detail (Final Travel Plan): Image
- Please Note:
- Use the "Up Icon" to scroll back up when deep in this article
New Case File Selector Parameters
For (Transfer of Supervision) TOS Cases where the Juvenile is
- Residing in the Receiving State at the time of offense or disposition
- Is on Probation
- Offense is Not Sex Related
UNITY now allows two options in starting the TOS Case
- Start the TOS Case with just the "Travel Permit" or
- Start the TOS Case with the "Complete Referral"
Case Example: When a youth is living in another state at the time of disposition; some courts do not receive court orders or other mandatory documents right away and it can take a week or more to receive these. UNITY now provides the option to send that file to the receiving state with at least the travel permit information filled out so that the state is aware the youth is living there while the complete referral information package is being prepared.
Specific "Court Case" data fields will remain editable (unlocked) to the ICJO Role in the Sending State after the Sending State submits the TOS Case across state lines to the Receiving State.
This feature update also applies to additional "Court Cases" entered into the TOS Case
Editable Court Case data fields heighted in yellow.
Notifications: Email & Alert
Court Case data field change notifications are sent by Email and Alerts to the Receiving State ICJO once a Court Case field or fields are edited by the Sending State ICJO and saved.
New Acknowledgement Task: Departure Information
After the Sending State submits the Departure Information (Form V), the Receiving State will have a task to acknowledge the Departure Information.
This Required Task has been added so that the workflow is consistent with other workflows in UNITY. Additionally it ensures the Receiving State is formally aware of the juveniles arrival in the Sending State
The QPR date is now set from the “Departure Date” in the “Departure Information” section. Not the "Submit Departure information to Receiving State*" completed by date (outlined in pink).
Ability to Customize Optional Upload Task Line Labels
While optional tasks are open and available before crossing state lines you can change or augment the "Task Line Label" by clicking on the icon. When change is made click the "Save" icon.
All changes are immediately updated in the "Case Documents" section of the case file.
Optional Tasks Removed if no uploads are populated
Transfer of Supervision case files can get dense with information. To help keep case files less cluttered any "Optional Upload Tasks" not utilized are removed from the task grid after submission across state lines
-1- Optional Upload Task Lines not populated with an upload
-2- Once the Sending State "Submits Transfer of Supervision to Receiving State"
-3- The Optional Upload Task Lines are removed form the task grid
Chronological Repositioning of Task Grid Sections
TOS Task Grid – Reordering: Events within the task grid will appear in chronological order so open required sections are logically visible at the bottom of the task grid. For example, in cases involving events such as; Violation Reports, Travel Permit – Visit to Sending State, New Address Notifications, and Absconder Reports. See below 2 examples
The Failed Supervision workflow was updated to properly align with Rule 5-103: RULE 5-103: REPORTING JUVENILE NON-COMPLIANCE, FAILED SUPERVISION AND RETAKING. Specifically the workflow event selection criteria as described in 5-103(4).
Collaborative: Travel Plan Detail (Final Travel Plan)
The "Travel Plan Detail (Final Travel Plan)" task a collaborative task where both the Sending State and the Receiving State can update the appropriate data fields. This TOS function replicates the feature / functionality of the Return Case Travel Plan Detail